Time to get back to making things....besides making metal shiny?   These need a case made..
3/4" diameter Dies, and a Die Holder.

Had bought 4 of these planks at Lowes a while back..
The 4th one was cut into 3 equal parts ( other 3 could be made into a case for the "New Chisels"?)
Parts were a bit cupped, so...
This one is to be a lid for the case...the other 2?  Well one needed to be worked on a different way...
Traced around the Die holder, bolts and all...may have picked a too big of a blade, was hard to make some of the curves....

Came time to glue these 2 together...Placed them so that the cups met like this..()   then used the clamps to flatten them together into the spread out glue..
Until I got a good squeeze out all around...will let this sit a day....then clean things up/out...and level and square it up..

I found an old bit for a Brace drill, that was a bit over-sized from a #12 bit..might be a#13?   Intend to drill out a hole for each Die..5 above the holder, and 5 below.

The label each as to what size Die is in the holes. 

Add a pair of hinges and a latch....and the Branding iron to the lid.

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

Bottom 2/3rds is out of the clamps, needing jointed a bit..
The plane?
Stanley No. 5-1/2c, Type 11....then smoothed things down with..
A Stanley No. 4-1/2c smoother, trying to get all parts to match up..
Then do a wee bit of layout work...
And do the same for the other 5  Dies..

Need a drill bit to drill holes to house the Dies,,,without going all the way through...and needed a bit a little bigger than the Dies..
I think that No. 14/16ths should be about the right size?
And, IF you count the full rotations after the bit starts to work..
In this case, about 8 turns seems to work...and the snail did not poke through, either...
Labeled according to size. 

Brace drill? A Millers Falls "Buck Rogers"  No. 1950..

Stay tuned...have to attach that lid....and maybe add a coat of stain?
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Need to roll this back up..
Near as I can tell, these are all Irwins..

Clamped the lid to the case...and installed some hinges..
Yep..these big hinges..
Pencil for scale...I even clocked the screws....

While the edges were handy in the vise..
Stanley No. 60-1/2 did round-overs..to all the sharp edges...ends and all..

Rotate things around, and installed a latch..
AFTER the edges had been rounded over.  

Next up, open a can of stain, the right way..
Made in China, no less.   Stained the outside, AFTER I labeled the lid...
top edge of the latch, stuck up a bit....hammered it over to match the round-over..
Letting this dry a day...then a top coat of some sort...

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
There is now a coat of Amber Shellac..inside and out...have a few errands to run, today....will rub things down this evening..and then decide on a Final coat...

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Build a case?

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