Hey, gotta use up the leftovers, some how.....Maybe resaw a stack down to 1/2" thick...glue a few into panels?  

IF anyone wants to follow along.....will start this after all the errands for today have been run....

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

I'll be following.

Frank S in IA
Yup. Me too!!

Big Grin
Mark Singleton

Bene vivendo est optimum vindictae

The Laws of Physics do not care about your Politics   -  Me
Did you pick up a new tool you need to share that needs a box?  Should be interesting.
Resaws were done on the tablesaw...stuff that wasn't usable, was tossed.   Trying to keep the better looking stuff...like these...
Goal was to find enough pieces that I could match up..
Some better than others..
And try for 4 panels glued up....
#4 was sitting over on the bench...Panels are 1/2" thick Ash.
Let these sit a day or 2...Middle one of those 3 was to be the "Lid"....Turned out, that I needed a 3 strip glued to it..
Still have not removed THOSE clamps, yet...will wait until I start Lid Work...

To help things out, panels were rip to 6" wide...as that is all the wider the vise will open..
This is Panel #4, the "Back" of the case....needed planed flat and smooth..
A #3 seemed to work just fine....other planes in use?
A #4-1/2 and a #6c.mainly to joint an edge or 2 before a glue up...

There was one board that wasn't a glue-up, though..
Just needed smoothed down a bit.....Case has 2 drawers, and an upper compartment.....and this is the front of that compartment...
Stay tuned...corner joints will be through dovetails..LOTS of Through Dovetails...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Through Dovetails for the corners...
Lay out tools...and..
Lay out lines...
Saw the lines...doing pins first, of course...
Start with the face that will show, chop half way down....leave a little "porch" for support...flip panel over..
Chop out the waste...use these pins to mark out the tails...Bandsaw to cut strictly on the waste side of the lines, leaving the line, in fact...remove the waste, and try a dry fit..
When I NEED a hammer to drive thing "home", I think that will be tight enough...repeat for the second full height (6") corner...
Yes, these sides are a whopping 6" tall...however...across the front?
This sits above 2 drawers..

And will be the front of the Compartment...
Clamps, glue and cauls..
Let this sit a day..or 2...

Stay tuned..Have slips and a base to do next.....then work on 2 drawers
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Looking good!

Thanks for sharing!!
Hey,, is my slip showing?
These...are called "slips"...I used 4 to install a floor inside this box...mitered corners means...
Rotating the saw to 45 degree detent...and start here..

As this one is as low as I can go...Was going to use a square to draw a couple lines for the other 3...wound up setting a small combo square for depth...glued in the back slip...then glued in the end slips..
Just glue..no metal was used...

Once the clamps came off the next day..
A 1/4" plywood panel was cut to a loose fit...then some weight was added as the panel was glued down...
And let this sit a day...
Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
A Base by Bugtussle?

There USED to be a 1 x 8 x 6' plank in the shop...mainly Ash Sapwood...Used to be?
Went all through that plank..cut out the "good" stuff...and this mess is what was left...will go to the fire pit...soon...
Yep, this is what is left....I also resawed the worst face...until the slat were 5/8" thick...I jointed the edges a bit for a glue up..
Let this sit a day....then..
Planed the panels faces ( both of them) as flat as a Stanley #3, Type 15 could get it...then...to keep it reasonably flat..
It had already started to curl a bit, so..it got clamped to the bottom of the case....

Then, I could try to get the drawer front(s) sized...
Turned out, that the fronts plus the divider were a tad too FAT....we have ways..
Ripped about half the thickness of the tablesaw blade off one edge of each front....then the plane to joint the edges...as I wanted both drawers to match each other...

Stay tuned..Drawer building 101 will be next episode..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Drawer boxes....use through dovetails just like the rest of the box...except for the "Front" which also gets a rebate to "house" the bottom of the drawer..
With the sides and back ripped to match the depth of the drawer.
Front has 3 tails...

So, once the pins are done, I use them to trace out the tails....then cut on the waste side of the lines...on the bandsaw..because..
I can SEE the lines to be cut...and on these small critters..I can actually cut the waste out...

Backs get one less tail...

All 4 corners are done, I also cut a 1/4" plywood panel to size...then do a glue up of all 5 parts....
Then do the same for the other drawer...
And, since the corners of the plywood are square, I use it to make sure the rest of the drawer is square...

Once the first drawer is out of the clamps and cleaned up...
I have a pair of wood knobs, as Drawer Pulls....but, they came with a hole to add a dowel in, to act as a "tenon"...glue in the dowel, cut it to length...drill a hole centered in the drawer front...and glue it into place..

And wait while the second drawer cures in the clamps....

Stay tuned...have to install something for the "upper" drawer to slide on...Next time...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Just another Box Project?

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