Something for August
Lets see..Disston No. 4 Backsaw
With a ruler..afraid the "horns" on mine are a bit chewed down...
You can make yours as long as you feel like...This handle works best with the index finger riding along the outside of the handle, with the other 3 fingers inside the grip..

Yes, I does have the Disston & Sons Medallion...
Been a well used saw, over the years...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
A few details...
When I do a lay out on the end of a board...I like to have it up to about eye level...
As things are easier to see when I don't have to bend over to work....

However, when it comes time to use the saw...
I will "drop" the board down to where the baseline is just above the jaws in the vise...maybe an 1/8" clearance?  That way, the saw works easier, without any vibration going on in the wood...

Sometimes, I leave a little too much of the lines...any then the dry fit...doesn't....Then I have to peel away any excess until..
Still needed to "hammer" this together...

As for checking for square?
I make sure it is square this way...sometimes, one corner will not seat all the way in...
I still check the fit, with the "upright" held plumb..

So...Dovetails #2 is completed...
Making sure the box will match the doors....
The "Top" of the box needs to be done, that the doors have support....
Pins for corner #3 have been laid I guess I had better get to work..

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Dry fit, corner #3..
then for Corner #4..there was a question..
Hmmm, will they fit?
I guess so....

Now that the corners are all done...need to get this plane set up, again..
Because a I need a rebate set the 1/4" plywood back into...
Along with a way to hold the parts steady..
Leg vise at one end, and a 12" clamp at the other, hooked into the tool well...

1 done, 3 more to do...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Are you going to paint that wall before you put that up?
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

(08-14-2024, 08:55 PM)Bob10 Wrote: Are you going to paint that wall before you put that up?

If you do don't forget to paint behind the toilet.
Ok...for one thing...I do NOT paint..anything..

Plan for today.....need to get these 4 items glued up...
Into a I can lay out and cut a plywood panel for the back of the case...and work on the Top Shelf, and the inside stuff...

Any painting will be up to the Boss...and she alone...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
There was cussing involved, but..
Glued up...I might have used just enough clamps...
That diagonal clamp was to pull the case into square...was about 1/8" out...
There is not a whole lot of room, down here in the shop
Will let this sit a spell..
Stay tuned..

I did say something to the Boss about those "painting" comments....and you 2 did give her a very good laugh...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
I'm with you. I don't do painting at my place unless I have to. My wife is an artist and painting is her thing. Most times, I don't even get input in color choices.
Box is out of the clamps...will let it sit a few more days, before I clean up the glue joints...since I also installed a rail to hang this box to the wall's studs..
Once this is also dried....I can cut and fit a 1/4" plywood back.....needed to rail to be flush with the bottom of the rebates...

I added 2 screws..
Since there is a top shelf going onto this board..attached from the inside of the box...with a few screws...might also just glued it down with a few clamps, too..

Have bought the hinges to both install the Towel Rack...but also to attach the doors..
Once I get the doors fitted to the case...

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Ok..working way too hard for a Friday....but..
1/4" Plywood panel has been cut and notched to fit....then glued and screwed into place...
Because the rebates left those openings (gaps) at the corners...filled up with the plywood...and will "disappear" once the stain goes on...

Worked on building a frame to house the 3 rods that towels will get draped over...
Rods are a TIGHT fit, with a 12/16" bit..
Only need to go 3/8" deep. 

Back of BOTH knees are sore and crampy...may have to go to the store and buy a bottle of Tonic make tonight's Tonic & Gin?

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

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