Need to replace an old Table
Reset the jig...because I needed to use the leg vise....but needed a way to lock the tapered end into
There were 2 planes involved..
The smaller Millers Falls No. 8 for the spot removals, and the WW2 Stanley No. 6c to flatten the tapers smooth...
Stopped for a Mountain Dew Zero Break at the half way point..
4 tapers done, 4 to go...when the photo caption says Plane work...
It really should say..."Plain WORK"...

Was finally able to get all 8 tapers nice and saw marks, even..
Needed to set them aside for a few the Table's top will be next...
This needs to be flattened, ends cut to length and squared up...a Tongue needs to be milled on each end...and parts for the 2 bread board ends need a 1/2" deep groove milled...

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Sunday turned out to be a very BUSY day...clamped the top to the top of the tablesaw....handplanes and sanders of all kinds went to work, getting the panel as flat as I could, on both faces ( best face will be the "Show Face").....Then,set up to trim one end square..
I use the rip fence from the tablesaw as a guide for circular saws and routers...Determine a cut line.  Measure from the right side of the saw blade to the right edge of the foot plate....square a line across the panel...clamp the guide in place..
Right hand pushes the saw through the cut, while the left hand supports the left side of the saw.   Make a mark 1/2" in from this edge.

Swing the panel 180 degrees....lay out for both BB ends, to find out where to make the trim cut...

Saw in use?  Vintage, of course...
It does have a brand new blade in it, though..
Ends trimmed for length and are square...

The Sunday afternoon work session:  

No fancy jigs, nor guides needed..just a clamp to hold things the router bit has it's own guide system..
Bought this bit last year at Harbor Freight...1/2" Rebate Bit...
One pass, flip the panel over, do another one pass...rotate to the other end, do one pass, flip the panel over, and do the last pass.
Bought this new at Sears as a kit...when they first came out...2hp...

which leaves milling a 1/2" deep groove, once the ends were cut to length...
1st cuts run through both sides...reset the fence, and clean out that center section...
Had just enough glue left in the bottle...
Add a few LONG clamps..letting this sit a day or two...

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Take the clamps off the table top..and clean up the 2 glue joints..
And..any high spots I find elsewhere...
Next, a Hi-Tech Tool...
To mark out a radius on each corner...Sabre saw needed a new, SHARP blade...this was too big to cut on the, we will do it like Norm Abram did...
Worked on one end of the top...then, flip the top over...clean things up on the underside, and cut the other 2 corners...

Needed a spot to place all the parts...Before I need to change the tablesaw's blades
I left the top where it was at..because I needed some layouts done....
So I could figure out HOW long the aprons are suppose to be...2 longs, and 2 shorts....Marking were done on the underside of the top..
Moved the top over to the bench for a bit...cross cut and rip 4 pieces for the aprons..
Cleared the top of the tablesaw off, as I needed my bench back...and also built a jig...
The Stanley #45 is still set up to plough a bead....
Edges of the aprons needed a quick jointing, before any beads could be done..
Long Aprons were first...joint the edge with the bead, then run the #45 a few times, to form the bead..

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
All beads are done did...
Needed to mill 8 tenons..
Do a nibble here, a nibble there...
Which means I need a place to place these into...
I need one of these..and..
These should help, as well...needed to set up a jig..
That supports the toe end, while I clamp the top of the leg in place.   I can slide the leg towards me, do the layout for the mortise, slide it back into the jig and clamp it down again..and chop a 1/2" deep Mortise...test fit..rotate for the other mortise ( remember those "T"s I marked on top of the legs?)

Only had 8 mortises to chop and fit...
Dry fits to check where I was on the top of the table....was trying to stay within the layout marks...

Was finally able to do a full dry fit..
No glue yet, as I need corner braces milled..,today..
These go into each this..
Glued and screwed in place, once the rest of the base has had it's glue applied, and the clamps are on...THEN these go in.

More on the Corner Braces later...anyone want to stop by and help out with the assembly/glue-up?  
Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
So....the calm before the storm, is it?
Only thing holding this pile of parts together is friction, set the clamps off, but within easy reach...tore this apart, after marking on the top edges where each end goes when one leg is attached backwards, right?

First end( short aprons, easier to keep control of, while I tighten the clamp)
Hammer ( NOT a Mallet, wasn't quite in the mood) to adjust a needed...repeat for the other end...

Then add the "back" apron....then the "front apron"...more adjusting via a hammer...both the wood and the clamps..wanted the clamps centered on the tenon area...pulled the diagonals until both read 28-1/4"...then an Impact drill to add the corner braces..glue & screws..

There was a gap at the bottom of one apron and a leg...Mark2 MOD 4 Eyeballs to align THAT leg..with the help of yet another clamp..
And this mess can sit right here until tomorrow..
Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Looking good, Bandit. Thanks for the build-alongs!
Those clamps came off this morning...set the base onto it's own 4 feet, for now.....we have work to do...
Grabbed a square, made a layout line across each corner brace, trying to avoid any screws...Chucked a 3/16" drill bit up into a drill..
Trying to hit the center of the line...drill straight down and through....then...rock the bit fore & aft, and up & Down for a little while...
Until a slot of sorts is formed...repeat for all 4 corners....then set the base back up onto the Table top's underside...where there are layout marks for where the legs are SUPPOSED to go..

1-5/8" screws and washers were next up, after I change back to a driver bit..
Just snug, for now...checked that nothing poked through...checked  for any gaps...
Snugged that screw down a wee bit close the gap. 

Moved the Tablesaw back out of the way...and set the Table onto it's own 4 feet again..
Sitting pretty?

Next thing to decide?
Is which profile to run around the top edge of the Table's top...

MIGHT get a stain on this thing by Tuesday?  
Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
My goodness fella, you started the table only two weeks ago!  I cannot accomplish anything in a month.

We greatly appreciate the time you take to drag us along.
"I tried being reasonable..........I didn't like it." Clint Eastwood
Bit has been selected and installed in the router..
And the depth of cut was set...
Yes, that Allen Wrench tool is how I fine tune the depth of cut..

Need a way to securely hold the table still, while the router was doing it's thing....did not feel like chasing the table around the shop..
Took longer to get all set up, than it did to actually USE the router...
Once around the block, wrap the router up in it's cord, and put away..

Next up?
Just might involve some of these...I stopped at 220 grit, for now...also wanted to add a coat of Witch's Brew to the top once it was sanded glass smooth, so..
Only working on the top of the Table's Top...once the stain has dried, after a good wipe down...Tomorrow, I'll flip the table over, and work on the base, and the underside of the top.   Intend to spread a nice large towel on top of the Tablesaw, set the upside down table on that towel.   Towel is to protect that nice, glass smooth surface from the surface of the top of the tablesaw...

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
It's turning out really nice.  I was a little concerned about the bead on the outside of the leg but then I have a 5 yr old that is into everything and would probably damage an edge like that pretty quickly.

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