"Difficult Grain"?
Since none of the pieces of 1/4" plywood in my shop, would be the right size...quick trip to Lowes was in order...$6.42 for a 1/4" x 24" x 24" panel...that I only needed for a 1/4" x 12" x 24" back for the case...
And get it test fitted..

The filler strips also needed to be fitted into their new homes...THEN, the cussing could begin..and..
A forest of clamp soon appeared...details?
The filler strips are glued into place at the ends , and across the front of the shelf..some clamps to hold them against the shelves..
Back of the case is glued to the back of the bottom shelf.

Letting this sit a spell....maybe after Brunch, I'll sneak down to the shop, and remove (Clear?) that forest of clamps...

Stay tuned..
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Your post is a very nice tutorial of braking down raw wood into all the different details (parts), surface preparation and so on through cutting joints and assembly. It also covered the whole process of selecting the wood for each piece. And order of the different process to completion.

Well done.
Clamps have been removed...time for a bit of clean up?
The 2 fillers strips need planed down flush..
The one in the top of the case...was then hit with a scraper plane..
the one middle shelf was next..
dovetail joints were cleaned up, then brass corners plates were added..

As for the feet?
Laid out some curves...then..
Then, layout , and cut the other side's feet, as well..
Then set the case onto somewhere flat..
Had to adjust one foot, as it was a hair too big...
Right Front one....sanded in back a hair...case now sits without any rocking going on...

Stay tuned..need to cut this plank down to something I can use...
might be fun....
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Ok, this is going to be a LONG session at my keyboard....that ugly plank of Maple?
Had bad (VERY BAD) ends that needed to leave my A.O.   so..
BEFORE I could even use this saw, those 2 wing nuts needed to be a bit tighter...then..
Not too hateful?

Ok that end is done...I needed 25" , more or less...so..
Used a 2" off-set, to avoid a hinge..
Mark a cut line..and use a slightly different saw..because..
Wasn't quite sure how this would cut the wood in this spot...the saw?
A 1927 Disston D-100....7ppi, 26" long....Back when Disston knew exactly how to shape a saw's handle ...

Afraid the next step involved a Tablesaw..happens in a Hybrid Wood Shop..but..
These were needed done.   3/4" x 1-1/2" sticks to build a frame to house a raised panel...something like this..
Stay tuned...had 2 hours IN the shop, yesterday....Milling those beads, and ploughing some grooves..busy day?
Yep, you could say that...

Task #1 was to mill 8 beads
Task #2, was to plough 4 grooves...
Both were done with a Stanley No. 45....lots of resets, too..
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Task #1, Beads...set up the Stanley #45 with a #22 bead cutter..
Fence is set below the cutter, and covers the quirk cutter on that side...Need a jig...
Because the fence is low, parts will be sticking out just a bit...
About half of the beads will be against the grain..the other half?
Takes about 8 passes or so...to mill one bead, the turn the part end for end, and repeat..2 rails were done, then reset the jig for the longer Stiles
and run the stiles beads....keep a pointy object handy, though...
As these plane do get a bit clogged up about the 3rd or 4th pass...
That would be that little marking knife laying there...

8 beads done, Mountain Dew Zero Break, while I reset for Task #2..
Stay tuned..
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Task #2..Grooves

Leave the jig set up for the stiles..except now the stiles will be standing up on one edge..
Stanley #45...
Well, that is one to hold it, while I remove the #22 cutter, and place the 1/4" cutter into the slot...fence gets raised a bit...and spaced out a bit..
And the depth stop set for 1/4" as well...about an 1/8" higher than for the beads...goal is to plough a 1/4" x 1/4" groove, centered in the edge of the part...
To help with that, there is a fine adjuster on the fence, itself...just be sure to lock it down when down...
Start making some Maple flavoured 1/4" wide noodles...
Once I hit the depth stop, I check the groove for any high spots...usually on the ends.  Tip: After about 3 passes, rub a candle into the groove, makes the plane just zip along...I also check that the grooves line up with each other..
So...busy day...
Stiles and Rails now have their Beads & Grooves...
And..I get the clean up the mess the plane made..next up?
Is to make a joint to hold the corners together...

Stay tuned...
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Was a LONG day, yesterday, and only got a late start in the shop..and then for only less than an hour....
Saw needed set up..
Depth stops needed adjusted so I don't cut too deep..
Then, needed a way to hold the stock in place, since my No. 72c does not have such things..
(Don't worry about that crack in the saw's handle, been there for years, never moved)

Then, gather up a few other tools..
As the corners are to be Mitered Half Lap joints...while trying to hide that groove...then lay out for the matching corner piece..
Which meant I needed to schwing the Mitresaw to the other 45 degree spot...more hand work...then try a dry fit..
Not too hateful..then continue around to the other end of the rail...then do the other end of another stile..Try a dry fit..
Hmmm. will need a bit more "Tune up".    Panel was removed from it's clamps...mainly to check how things will fit up....Panel will NEED a squaring up on this end, BEFORE I can start to make it a Raised Panel...

Was getting almost too tired to work, was starting to think fuzzy...bad sign in a place filled with sharp objects...called it a day

Monday?   Normally, Shop is closed on Mondays....will give my Single Brain Cell a chance to recharge...

Stay tuned...
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Ok...after further review...seems I was cutting a bit too deep..on BOTH parts of the corner joint...NEEDED TO BE 1/2 of the 3/4" thickness (3/8" deep) and NOT 1/2" deep....so..will reset the depth stops to the "new" setting...and try it for the other 2 corners. 

As it is, I'll need to add Ash Shims to the first 2 corners....so, those two just might be the bottom of the door...( out of sight, out of mind?)

Still a bit sore and beat up this morning...and it IS a Monday...maybe I should follow this sign?
We'll see...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Wow. much better pictures! Got a new Camera?

Take Care
Just the one in my phone....
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

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