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May as well join the club. My name is Danelo, I am 65 and a retired educator. I have always enjoyed wood working, but have learned what little I know from books- I love to read.About 20 years back I bought a lathe ,made in Taiwan,for less than $100 and enjoyed turning untill the motor died. To make a long story short, I layed off woodworking for 10 years. For the past three weeks I have been cleaning and fixing my shop and having a great time. I should be turning as soon as my new lathe arrives. On a separate note: The response to my questions and information provided by all of you is the best reward of all. It is great to know that there is a group of people who are willing to share unselfishly what they know with complete strangers is phenomenal . You are a very special group of people.
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Joined: Jun 2008
My name is Mike Bourey I am new to this forum. I have been to a couple meetings with The Golden Triangle woodturners here in Denton, Texas. I have been looking for a decent lathe to get started with.
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JD...Up till now I have been building Rustic and outdoor items as a hobby and craft shows for the last few years. I then found turning as a means to offer something for repeat customers. I am new to turning and have been turning Pens for about two months now. I am ready to take the step up to bowls. Real life job is very high pace and stressful..Hint.. I am the guys that looks for your stolen tools and tracks down the bad guy so I look forward to the weekend to unwind in the shop..
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Do you get to confiscate tools that were purchased with drug money?
I'm slow, but I do poor work.
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Joined: Sep 2007
I wish.... If Im lucky I get a really nice letter though
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Joined: Jun 2008
I am Bob and just learning to turn. I found a Jet lathe for $200.00 and couldn't pass it up. I've been reading and making lots of fire wood for the next winter.
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Name is Alistair Hosie come from Scotland have been turning on and off for about twelve or more years.I do bowls, cups, goblets, spindle, lidded ,boxes, etc Alistair
It's nice to be important but it's also important to be nice.Unknown
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Post deleted by EightFingers
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I teach a little turning (mostly spindle work)
herewhere I mostly teach woodworking. Been doing it 7 years now.
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Hmm, guess I havent done this. I'm Jason, as my name denotes. Call me Woody or Jason. Fitting nickname for a woodworker isn't it?

Been woodworking off and on since 7th grade shop class, mostly off, but on the last few years. Now I can afford my own stuff. Turned a couple of things in that same shop class, and just really started turning again about a month ago. Mainly interested in pens.
Jason Woodford
I happen to have a full set and once they had one bad winter of moisture they never real look good again. - Scott Whiting 6/24/10
I live in a constant state of horny. She's very obliging. Why mess with it? - Snipe Hunter