They do look good.
But the image bug is interesting: I don't see the photos, but can seem them one at a time if I right click and view image. When I return to this page I don't see them. If I then refresh, I can see the image until I scroll, at which point they disappear and again all I see is the broken image icon.
This is with Firefox under Win 10.
edit: With Firefox under Win 7, each image can be seen using the right click, view image method, and it then becomes visible in the normal view. In this case, scrolling does not make the images disappear.
But the image bug is interesting: I don't see the photos, but can seem them one at a time if I right click and view image. When I return to this page I don't see them. If I then refresh, I can see the image until I scroll, at which point they disappear and again all I see is the broken image icon.
This is with Firefox under Win 10.
edit: With Firefox under Win 7, each image can be seen using the right click, view image method, and it then becomes visible in the normal view. In this case, scrolling does not make the images disappear.