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I really liked David Marks show. It is my understanding that he does not own the rights to the show so if that's true then the pricing has nothing to do with him. In fact, I think he may not even get royalties because the deal he got was not very good for him, but I could be wrong. This is what I was told by someone who knows him.
Not a fan of Tommie Mac, I'm all for more woodworking shows but his show is not my cup of tea. YMMV.
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Just an FYI for his fans and others: Tommy Mac posted on his Facebook page that he is no longer going to be
hosting "Rough Cut". He gave no details as to why or if the show would have a new host. I just thought I would pass
that on.
Joseph Connors
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04-08-2017, 05:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2017, 05:47 PM by Alan S.)
Tommy Mac's bombe secretary videos are still available, and worth watching:
If he annoys you in his show, he'll definitely annoy you in these. But look at what he's doing.
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(04-08-2017, 12:42 PM)Joe Connors Wrote: Tommy Mac posted on his Facebook page that he is no longer going to be
hosting "Rough Cut".
Just when I thought he was perfecting his show.
He seems to do better with a co-host craftsman that balances out his hyperactivity.
As has been pointed out, he is an excellent woodworker.
Yesterday's show had him building doors for his wood storage addition to his shop. Those fancy-shmancy tools look amazing.
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I paged through his FACEBOOK and didn't see the notice on his stepping away from Rough Cut. I did see a comment about he wished people would get a life. His reference was to all the negativity/namecalling that goes on online. That's one aspect of woodworking in general I appreciate. The wood shop speaks for itself. You either do or do not. The proof is in your actual work versus what you claim.
I announced at Bonneville Salt Flats for several years and confronted that same situation. People were really quick to criticize every nit-picky thing. I shut them up by pointing out (over the air) that I wear a bright red shirt, am sitting a well-marked location, and am the easiest guy on the flats to find. Come to me directly with your issue, we can fix it. But if your argument is so small that it can hind behind an electron, you should get a life.
Godspeed to Tommy Mac. If nothing else, he brought some spunk and a fresh face to PBS woodworking.
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(04-09-2017, 04:35 PM)Harold O. Wrote: I paged through his FACEBOOK and didn't see the notice on his stepping away from Rough Cut.
First post. "Believe it or not, I will no longer be working on Rough Cut"
Also says "I quit"
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"First post. "Believe it or not, I will no longer be working on Rough Cut"
Also says "I quit""
I must have been reading with my eyes closed.
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On the last show he showed the upstairs with a bunch of work benches - for teaching.
I would love his new tools. Not sure they address what most of us can afford. He had nice stuff before. My guess he got a real nice sponsor.
I also miss Norm. I still watch his show every week on the NYW web cite.
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He must have had over $100K in new Mini Max/SCM tools in the lower level. Then SCM was listed as a sponsor at the end of the show.
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Well, it's a bummer we may lose Rough Cut Woodworking from the PBS lineup, but I honestly won't miss Tommy. No doubt, he's a talented woodworker, but I could never really get used to his presentation style. I looked at his FB posts, and it sure appears he's bitter about it. He also was pretty terse with some folks who asked why. Something to the effect of, "I don't owe you an explanation." Wow. I sure hope that attitude doesn't spill over into his attitude with is students in his new workshop.
Still Learning,
Allan Hill