Rockler lost the sale
Anyone who complains about short or late Sunday hours should work for a retail business when they have a family with small kids to raise or have a companion who needs to be cared for 7 days a week.

You are talking about your Sunday fun project (even if it is for work and you can always plan to buy your stuff on a weekend) being ruined by a business that just wants its employees to have a more relaxed Sunday after 6 continuous business days?

Many people these days are getting impatient, easily agitated and out right inconsiderate because all they think about is themselves. THEMSELVES. If you were taking a loved one to an emergency room and it was not open until two hours later, I could understand. You don't check a business' hours online and show up early expecting to be treated like a king? WOW!

What you do, you do to satisfy yourself.

I was in a major auto parts store waiting in line until I felt that is enough waiting and walked out. I realized my few bucks wouldn't make a difference to them, but it did make me happy to know I had that choice and the parts place across the street also liked my decision.

Sometimes your just not up to patience. Bad day- whatever. Completely understandable.
Not punching on you, but I would have called to make sure.  Also after being in the bombing I LEARNED patience and it was  hard thing to do.
Yes   That and asking others for help was an even bigger chore, but one I have never regretted in doing.
As of this time I am not teaching vets to turn. Also please do not send any items to me without prior notification.  Thank You Everyone.

It is always the right time, to do the right thing.
brother google will tell you if a store is open, just search for it.

I recently drove over to a lumber store I hadn't been to before, and they were closing at 4.  I forgot what it was like before the borgs.  Of course, our HD is nearly impossible to shop in after 5 because they have all the contractor orders lined up in the aisles.
Around here the "independent" carpet stores are all closed on Sunday. Seems like that would be one of the two best days of the week for a "couple" to go look at it.

A few of us neighbors would mow an elderly lady's lawn whenever it needed it and we had a lawn mower going. Unfortunately for her, we must have done it on Sunday's too much so she told us not to do it anymore, she had a relative come do it on a week day.
Remind me not to post my First World/Big City problems on here.
A carpenter's house is never done.
(02-28-2018, 12:28 AM)photobug Wrote: Remind me not to post my First World/Big City problems on here.

I tell you what I hate is when I'm in the right lane of a 2 lane highway. I am approaching a slow moving car in front of me, but there is a car to my left slowly passing me.  

Grinds my gears.
(02-28-2018, 12:28 AM)photobug Wrote: Remind me not to post my First World/Big City problems on here.



I miss the days of using my dinghy with a girlfriend too. Zack Butler-4/18/24

The Revos apparently are designed to clamp railroad ties and pull together horrifically prepared joints
WaterlooMark 02/9/2020

This thread is making me giggle.

I grew up with motorcycle shops being closed on Sunday and Monday--all of them. Mom and Pop shops, too.

Can't fault 'em for wanting time off.
Semper fi,

(02-28-2018, 11:46 AM)®smpr_fi_mac® Wrote: This thread is making me giggle.

I grew up with motorcycle shops being closed on Sunday and Monday--all of them.  Mom and Pop shops, too.

Can't fault 'em for wanting time off.

Safeway was closed on Sundays and I always got to benefit from their Saturday afternoon bread sale, etc. No chain stores where I live are closed on Sundays now, because they have to compete against each other.

The worst are not those who show up on a Sunday before the door is open for a retail business; they are the ones who walk in the door T-minus 5 or less (likely with a cup of coffee in one hand) before the door is closed. Do you "big spender" really think your transaction can be satisfactorily served in a few minutes?

I enjoy spending money but I do not enjoy making any frontline workers working on a Sunday their lives more miserable. If there is a long long line-up at a store I visit on a Sunday, I wait and thank the server by name (if a name tag is worn) before I leave. These Sunday workers who do not get paid more deserve my business to support their jobs. We are woodworkers, not monsters.


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