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Turning Custom Screwdrivers - Survey |
Posted by: AHill - 11-04-2013, 06:53 PM - Forum: Woodturning
- Replies (61)
I've seen a few approaches to doing this. I'm going to use the Lee Valley lifetime screwdriver shanks (shafts), and I'd like to use brass compression fittings for the ferrules. I have some nice Macassar ebony and Cocobolo that I think would make nice handles. Turning the handle itself seems a no brainer to me. The questions I have are about the other parts.
1. Do you drill the hole for the shaft before or after you've turned the handle?
2. Kerf or no kerf in the tenon for the wings on the shaft?
3. If using a brass compression fitting for the ferrule, what tool do you use to round it off, and what speed?
4. When parting off the handle, do you turn it back around and turn the very tip (top) or do you just hand sand it?
5. Glue or no glue on the shaft?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Resawing on a 14" Bandsaw |
Posted by: jteneyck - 10-20-2013, 04:12 PM - Forum: Woodworking
- Replies (8)
Very nice set up! Thanks for sharing.
I think you enhanced your work with the used of the doubled feather boards to keep the stock against the fence.
I have the Delta 14" as well. For re-saw, I use a 3/8" blade, which allows me to gain some more tension. I'll keep an eye open for a replacement spring to gat a bit more tension--though I've had great success with the stock spring up to 6" white oak stock----haven't had to get wider as I'm mostly resawing to get 1/2" thickness stock for small projects.
A bookshelf for Little Man |
Posted by: ckx707 - 10-17-2013, 09:55 PM - Forum: Woodworking Hand Tools
- Replies (12)
Not sure I'm the one to answer your questions but that's a very nice bookshelf you built. Short of a fire he should be able to hand it down to his kids at some point. You already know how to build that one. Even with the new time constraints I would seriously consider building the same thing again. The second should go faster due to less time spent head scratching. Rodney